Waking up early
Waking up early when everybody is still asleep creates more time and more discipline in your day . The best example is if you wake up at 5am . Majority of people wake up 7am 7:30 . This gives you 2 hour in wich (you can exercise , have breakfast, plan and prepare your day.
Don’t own a TV
Owning a TV is a time killer, the average person spends 22 hours a week watching TV which is around 3 hours a day , so if you want to create more time sell the TV and make some extra money and some extra time DOUBLE WIN
Have a written plan for your day
Knowing what you need to do at every hour and minute of the day keeps you focus , save you time , bring value to your life .
If your day is not plan before you loose time , money , value , intensity of the day .
1. Stop answering every single phone call. Let the answering machine do his work. If it’s really important, they’ll answer it.
2. Send less email, you’ll receive less email.
3. Put a no junk mail sign on your door to stop unaddressed junk mail. Stop reading adds.
4. Reduce commitments and obligations. Think twice before you commit.
5. Stop spending time with people who suck the life out of you.
6. Put away your mobile phone. Whatsapp less, and receive less messages.
7. Turn off TV, and turn off your iPad.
8. Stick to priorities. Don’t start doing things that come second place because they are easier to do.
9. Set a time limit for things to do. This way you won’t waste anytime.
10. Wake up earlier and go to bed earlier.
11. Outsource and delegate. Let other people do things for you.
12. Learn to say no.
13. Buy less stuff. Buying itself is time consuming, but also maintaining the stuff you bought, placing and replacing, repairing, taking it back, etc.
14. Shut down the computer once in a while.
15. Declutter your home and office.
16. Stop procrastination. Do important things NOW.
17. Automate your bill payments.
18. Manage your time. Write down how you spend your time. Stop wasting it. Be efficient.
19. Eliminate tasks. There are always tasks that don’t really matter.
20. Do everything easier. It it takes up to much time, think of an easier way or don’t do it at all.
21. Batch your errands.
22. Stop doing things you don’t like. Free your mind
23. Stop spending all your time on social media.
24. Free up time for the things you love most. Work on living your passion.
25. Don’t want it all. Stop wanting to do everything. Do less.
26. Become minimalist.
27. Focus on completion. Don’t try to be a perfectionist. Get it done.
28. Become paperless. Scan and upload your documents. You’ll have every piece of paper available in seconds.
29. Keep your keys in one place All the time.
30. Do things differently. If you do what everybody else does, you’ll get what everybody else has. Most people don’t have time, so do it differently.
31. Work less. Try to go from 5 days to 4 days a week.
32. Don’t be too altruistic. Take care of yourself first, then take care of others.
33. Worry less. Worrying takes up a lot of precious time.
34. Downsize your stuff. The less stuff you have, the less time you spend cleaning, maintaining and replacing the stuff.
35. Carry less, take less, bring less. Be free.
36. Occasionally take a walk and evaluate / reflect on how you spend your time and your life.